C.E. #6.2

1. The San Isidro border inspection facility can hold about 300 people

  • He felt increasingly sidelined by his boss
  • He wanted to spend more time with his family
  • He felt frustrated by lawmakers as well
3. An ethically murky but legal practice by candidates who fill political clubs with their supporters to win endorsements. 
4. The business with the greatest economic impact is wasfeltbybarsandrestaruants with $56 million

5. An estimated $250 million.
5a. I have not seen it, but I would like to see it.

1. A public school in Campo, Colo., hasn't required students to attend school on Fridays. They decided to drop a weekday to boost attendance and better attract teachers to the towns school. This schedule is becoming more common elsewhere as school leaders search for both ways to attract teachers and save money. Many school districts say this change saves money and makes it easier to recruit teachers. The changes aren't universally popular, some say 4 day weeks hurts working families. However, still more than half of Colorado's pubic school districts have permission from the state to compress their schedule. School districts in 22 states use a four-day week. Many school's around the nation like the four-day week, while others say it harms families.

2. Some advantages of the four day week include the fact that it can boost attendance by allowing children want to come to school because there is only a four-day week. Another advantage is the fact that it can attract teachers to the town by persuading teachers to only work a four day week instead of a five day week. And lastly, it helps the district save money.

3. Some disadvantages of the four day week include the fact that it can hurt working families who have to scramble to find child care and could prevent children from accessing free or low-cost meals five days a week.

4. Yes, I would be in favor of going to school only four days a week because it allows students to be less stressed and sleep deprived. It also helps to ensure an attendance boost. The four day week would really allows students and teachers to relax and catch up on the material for the week behind and the weeks to come. Thus, i'm in favor of having four-day weeks because that means less school and longer weekends to relax and catch up.

5. Changes that would happen in my life would include getting more work done, relaxing more, being less tired, and helping my parents at home. the four-day week would have a great impact on my life, but it would be a positive impact.

6. My parents would probably be for the idea of having a 4 day week because they are aware that I can take care of myself when they are at work. They also might be hesitant because  i'm not receiving the same education as I was before.

7. The time given is longer than previous times, but since we do have a 3 day weekend that allows students to catch up on the sleep they missed during the weekdays. Waking up before 7 would be a harsh treatment for the students, but I think the students will be able to do it if it ensured a 3 day weekend. 


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