Free Write

Free Write
Word Count: 484
The asteroid was hurtling straight for Earth and the evacuation began. It was 8:53 P.M, January 16, 2024, when the robots alarm went off, "Emergency! Emergency! Please evacuate as quickly as possible to the nearest robotic protection center." Many risked their lives to rapidly packed their bags, while others swiftly vacated to the nearest robotic protection station. The robotic protection station is a building ran by genius robots that help to protect humans from natural disasters. Hundreds and thousands of bodies ran to the nearest safe site. The robot alarm kept saying that the people inside the house packing should immediately evacuate as the asteroid is heading for Earth in minutes time. It was  9:01 P.M and everyone had reported to the closest robotic protection center. There the robots grouped the individuals into their corresponding families to ensure they all have each other. After they had been grouped together, the robots shipped the families into houses that looked just like theirs, but instead, this one was more protected and was in the robotic protection station. The families felt safe from the time being, but the robotic alarm went off again, "The asteroid is hitting the earth in one minute, please perform the corresponding evacuations to be safe." The robots than hurried into the houses of the families to hide them inside a gold box that will never crack even if there was a major disaster. It was 9:06 P.M when the robot alarm went off again, "Asteroid landing in 5...." The robots hurried to make sure all the families were safe in their gold box. "4...." There was one family that had still yet to get into the gold box. "3...." The robots swiftly moved that family into the gold box." 2..." The robots hurried quickly to their safe place to ensure they won't be hurt from the biggest asteroid in the history of the Earth. "1..." There was a pause that seemed like hours for the families. Then, "CLLLAAAADDD!!, the asteroid hit the earth. The sound was unanimously the loudest sound any of these people have ever heard. Now, at 9:30 P.M, the robots vacated from their safety spot to ensure that all the families were safe in their gold box. Minutes passed, hearts were beating, then the robots made an announcement "Everyone may return to their homes, everyone is safe." The relief seen on the faces of these families was priceless, the families departed the robotic protection center and entered their corresponding flying cars to make it back to their house. Days passed and the damage that been done from the asteroid was not able to be seen because of the bulletproof houses, cars, roads, and protection center. But they had to find out a way to remove the asteroid, eventually, they made a massive vacuum to suck up the asteroid and ship it off to a new dimension. 


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