Car Raid Story

Feature Story:
       Tejas Patel, a Mercedes C Class Sedan driver, has taken the decision to maintain his car as organized and clean to better his lifestyle.
  "The car I own is very clean because it reflects my day to day life, the cleaner, the better day I have," said Patel.
          Remaining organized has helped Tejas maintain the lifestyle he had always wanted, his tidy car has also been life-changing.
         "Having a clean car has been life-changing, it allows me to understand the importance of clarity and the inessential needs for clusters," said Patel.
           Uncle Tejas keeps a clean life to set a good example for his children.
         "I have 2 kids that look up to me," said Tejas. "Having kids shapes my life by changing the ways I do stuff, I have to be mature and set a good example."
           The car truly suggests the lifestyle Uncle Tejas lives up to,  the car is very neat and tidy, there is a dream catcher hanging from the front mirror and the odor in the car is very fresh.
         "My rules for my car are no eating or eating but cleaning up after, and in general keeping it clean after messes, the rules regulate the reason why my car is so clean," said Patel.
        The platform that Uncle Tejas jobs have placed has also allowed him to live a maintained lifestyle.
          "My occupation affects my life by allowing myself to have a platform, it gives me insurance for my kids and myself, it keeps my life together and I reflect that through my car and home," said Patel.
            Uncle Tejas also believes as one grows up they become more mature and learn the importance of organization.
           "When a person grows up they will experience life and become mature, eventually they will learn the importance of tidiness," said Patel. "The reason I am mature is that I have the experience with kids, I have grown up to be driven and help others and that's what I will continue to do until I die."
           Uncle Tejas has mastered the ways to living the best lifestyle.
         " Living a simple, clean, organized life, which can be portrayed through one's cars,  is the key to a healthy lifestyle," said Patel.


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