Merger Photo Preview

1. Is there something you see in the photo above that you think could be a problem when you take your photos? Look carefully.
The distance between the shadows is one thing that can be a problem when taking these photos. I have to make sure there a a good distance between each shadow and when I merge it for the last one that the shadow is outside the frame. 

2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus?

A good place to take this type of photo would be a plain brick wall in the courtyard or anywhere in the school because it will be easier to merge each photo without disturbances. 

3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours?
Something creative I can do is write something on a paper and show a message. Or I can use my hands to make letters to also show a message. 

4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo?
You can't really wear anything flowy like a dress because it will affect the shadow and possibly the picture next to it. When it comes to dressing something like jeans and a shirt will work. 


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