CE #6.1

Short Response:
1. 1,400 National Guards
2. Metal Fatigue is a weakening of metal from repeated use and involves microscopic cracks. It can occur in fan blades or other metal parts.

  • A $5,000 pay raise for all teachers
  • Higher contributions to teachers' health insurance
  • Cost-Of-Living adjustments for retirees
  • Removal of a cap on special education enrollment
  • Creation of full-day prekindergarten
4. Mckenzie brought 5 gloves with him to UFCU Field on Tuesday. Each gloves served as a different purpose. He used one of them for pitching and another to play first based, one on the outfield, one on the infield. He is believed to be the first Longhorn ever to do that in a single game. 

5. I would be most interested in the city theatre's 'as you like it' because  I can learn  more about William Shakespeare's most beloved romantic comedies. I will also learn more about different shows and movies that play in the theatre, it also seems very interesting. 

Long Response:
1. As of 2016, the percentage of Texas High schoolers directly attending college are 52%. This number is a decrease from 2015 which suggests that the rate of high schoolers directly attending college is decreasing overtime.

2. By 2030, 65% of high schoolers should be enrolling in colleges. The reason behind this is so that the state meets its goals intended to produce an educated populace and a skilled  workforce.

3. The impact that students who don't enroll in college can be the fact that they are less likely to earn a certificate or degree than their counterparts w ho matriculate right after high school graduation. Because of the impact this can have on people, people are working to involve the strategy of influencing students to attend colleges directly after school.

4. Massachusetts and California have a very similar demographic standing in the number of students attending college after high school. In Massachusetts the percentage for students attending college directly after school is 70% and in California the percentage is 60%, these percentages are very good and are track to allow the goal to be reached by 2030. 

  • A plan Paredes had his for schools to get $500 for each graduate except for at risk students whose graduation old earn the school $1000. 
  • Another plan he has is for high schoolers attending college after high school to reach 65% by 2030
6. In my opinion college is an important, vital time in ones life where one can work to accomplish their dreams. After high school, I plan to attend college directly after because it will be such an important part of my  life. The push to get more students into college is impacting other areas of society by bringing awareness to the possible importance of attending college. Although college is very important, it is possible to have a comfortable life without a college degree, for example some athletes don't have a college degree. There are many professions that can help one become successful that don't require a college degree.  Workforce certifications and opportunities are equally important in society, military, post service, etc. as any other profession. The reason it is important for equality in these professions is because they all worked to achieve where they are now. I haven't considered jobs for me in particular that don't require a college degree, but I do know of  some. One being making websites by coding, one can code websites for people and make money without the need to attend a college.


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