Spring Break Extra Credit

The school bell rang, my excitement couldn’t be contained as Spring break began for my classmates and I at 4:30 at James Bowie High School. The day all students have been waiting for ever since the start of the second semester was just as great as I had always envisioned. My family and I took some time to relax and take some time away from the ambitious life at school for my sisters and I, and work for my parents. We started off the Spring break when we went out to eat dessert after dinner on Friday, we had the best time eating the best Churros in Austin, the truck was very well decorated and tumblr like. On Saturday we decided to go shopping and finish our assigned project at starbucks, we saw a new candy shop and decided to take some home. As Sunday approached, my family and I were taken back, when we saw that we had woken up at 10:00, we later came to a realization that it was daylight saving time, the time of year we all hate. On Sunday we worked to adjust to the time and attended temple in the evening. On Monday, March 12th we decided to start off the morning off with a hike on the trails nearby, we saw the beautiful scenery and had an amazing refresher from other stressful situations. Although, my family and I spent most of the spring break relaxing and not stressing about work and homework, as we got bored we took day trips to places nearby. On Tuesday, as the weather got warmer, we decided to entertain my dog at the park. Our dog loves little things like that and was very content when he saw the sight of the water and the trails. Wednesday and Thursday were spent catching up on homework that was assigned over Spring break and going to appointments at the dentist’s and doctors as it was the best time. As Friday came around the corner, my family and I decided to take a day trip to a nearby lake and spend the day there. We went swimming and jumped of cliffs and had a blast. After all the activities we became hungry and decided to go out to eat, as we discussed as a family we finally, finalized our trip to Europe this summer. On Saturday I began to plan the trip to Europe and attempted to contain my excitement, my plan consisted of visiting London, which included Big Ben and Stonehenge. We also planned on visiting Belgium, Switzerland, Rome, Venice, Pisa, and Paris.  Sunday was a day of disappointment as we had to return to school the next day, we dropped off my sister at University of Texas College and got ready for school the next day. I opened my eyes the next day, and before I knew it, the school bell rang and my disappointment couldn’t be contained. Spring break flashed before my eyes, but this time in break was very much needed for me because I came to many realizations about my time. I learned to spend every minute of my time because it can be shortened or it can be interfered by school, work, etc.

In conclusion, this spring break, my family and I used the time given to relax and not stress over work and school. We went to eat the best churros in Austin and had a blast trying new things throughout spring break. We also got time to go hiking and enjoy the weather and get a refresher on the beautiful trails of Austin, TX. My dog became bored over spring break and we decided to take him to the trail and go swimming by Lady Bird Lake.  We also took time to catch up on school work that we were assigned over spring break. On Friday we decided to take a day trip to the lake and spent the day there. We had so much fun performing the activities there, like swimming, jumping off cliffs, and swimming with my dog there at the lake. I also decided to plan for my trip to Europe and came to a conclusion that we’d be visiting London, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, and France. As Spring break came to an end we came sad and felt in dismay as the fun on break was to stop. At before we knew it, it was Monday and school had began, now we all waited as the next break came our way, summer break.


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