CE #5.2

1. 300,000 - 400,000 people
2. Three of the five things include:

  • Who will get to take on governor Greg Abbott
  • The Big Names in Williamson County Judge Race
  • Whether or not it will be Dawna Dukes Last Hurrah
3. Students prefer to pay in cash or prepaid cards because debit card fees in transactions are less than those earned via credit cards. Many students are also skeptical because they worry about the credit and staying out of debt that comes with using credit cards.
4. The winner of best picture is the shape of water.
5. The sans bar is showcasing on march 9 where they hope to sell free food and free nonalcoholic drinks to focus the day on health and fitness.

1. Explain why you think guns should be controlled more strictly, or not.
I think guns should be controlled more strictly because people that are young adults have access to them which has been the result of many of the school shootings in the past few weeks. Guns should have control over who can buy one. In my opinion, I think they should be banned because it will greatly decrease the amount of crime in America, however there will be many people that protest against the idea of the banning of guns. Therefore to please mostly everyone, I think, before one can purchase a gun they should have a background check to make sure they are mentally stable. Recently, as the shootings have happened, the problems with guns are the fact that young adults can attaint them and the fact that people who may be mentally unstable can purchase them, therefore, there should be some action to limit the shootings that are affecting students and citizens of America. 

2. What do you think the response might be if something were to happen at a school in Austin?
As the kids said in the florida shooting, they thought it would never happen to their school, but unfortunately it did. If there was a shooting in Austin, there would be lots of protest and students becoming more aware of the misuse of guns and the control that should be put on guns. Thus, if a shooting did happen in Austin, it would be a eye opening event that would hopefully persuade the NRA or the government that the use of guns, violently, has gone out of control 

3. Explain why so-called assault weapons like the AR-15 should be banned, or not?
The NRA should ban rifles, like AR-15, because they are extremely dangerous to people and in events like shootings. There is no real purpose of owning a large gun like a AR-15. If this gun or guns similar to this were banned, it would limit the crime that has been happing across the states. 

4. What kind of discussions have you had with family and/or friends regarding that event and the responses the past month?
My family really enjoys watching the new and discussing our opinions on events like this. When this event took place we all were in dismay, but as time passed, we became angry that action wasn't being taken. My siblings and I though it would be a good idea of guns were banned in America to greatly decrease the crime in America. In Canada, guns are banned, and there is little to no shootings, this comes to show that life without guns is life with peace. 

5. How would you actively participate in the process of trying to enact change for something you felt strongly about?

This Friday, our school has decided to walk out and show the importance of our lives and how we, as a community, can solve this problem of school shootings. There are also many online forms and marches that will take place in the coming months and weeks to allow people to protest against there own safety and there schools wellbeing. 


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