CE #5.1

1. March 24 in Washington
2.Sunrise Tactical Supply
3. Mechanical Engineer department and the Cockrell school of engineer.
4. Norway, Germany and Canada
5. Diversity is the heart of the success.

1. The companies name that is manufacturing the pouches is called Yondr. Yondr produces small pouches, so that the owner of a device can lock them up and not be addicted to them.

2. The Yondr pouches are bringing attention to more and more schools globally. Currently, ever since they came out, there are over 600 schools using these pouches to stop cell phone addiction.

3. The general idea the should be derived by these pouches is the idea to stop phone addiction. Yondr hopes to stop phone addiction by making a small pouch that locks phones away from the owner's fingers. Once the phone is locked, it can be unlocked once the owner leaves the premises of where the pouch is being used.

4. Some side effects include the fact that the students are interacting more and in result there is more noise. Despite, the loud noises caused by the students putting away there phone, there has been positive change as well, like higher grades and less referrals.

5. After reading the article, I think the pouch would be useful in situations like during a test or quiz in class when cheating is at risk. But, I think it's unnecessary for the pouches to be used at theaters or concerts because that would be an invasion of privacy in a public area. Thus, I believe the phones should be locked up during tests when a phone could be used to cheat or during a quiz.

6. If Bowie started using these pouches, I hope they only use it during tests and quizzes, because during lunch and passing periods, I believe students should be able to use there phone to have a brain break from class. I wouldn't necessarily be upset if Bowie started using them because it would stop phone addiction, but I think Bowie should consider using it in only some situations.

7. I think form now on cell phone use is only increasing, and it will never return to the way  it was before because technology is advancing and kids are being exposed to technology at a young age. But, if there were a time where phone use had decreased, the impact it would have on the world would be huge. People wouldn't be able to receive information from social media, like the news, students wouldn't be able to check their grades and perhaps turn in their assignments. Since, the would now is so advanced technology wise, I believe from know on the use of technology  is only increasing and if it did decrease there would be a huge impact on the world. 


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