CE #4.3


1. 4.1%

2. #blowingthewhistle

3. Buildings with little to no energy bill for the homeowners, this can be done using solar panels and energy efficient features.

4. A new drink called bubly, a drink that will come in eight flavors.

5. The iPhone X because I like the iPhone and am a huge apple fan also because it big and comfortable to hold, and contains a very good camera. The Galaxy note 8/CNET because of the stylus tricks, the oneplus 5t because the camera can take amazing low light pictures, and the samsung galaxy s8 because it's waterproof and has wireless charging.


1. Mental health specialist have determined that video games can be very addictive and cause mental problems. Many symptoms come along with being addicted to video gaming, these include impaired control over video gaming, giving increasing attention, and having gaming take over ones life despite the negative consequences. The neurons involved are the same neuron that control the rush for gambling or drinking, thus, playing video games nonstop can lead to short-circuits in the brains ability to develop.

2. According to the article the indications of addictive behavior to a video game include impaired control over gaming, this includes frequency, intensity, and the ability to quit gaming. Another indication is the ability to give increasing attention to gaming to the extent that it takes precedence over other interests and daily activities. And finally, the continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.

3. According to the article, addiction is defined as the condition in which one is mentally dependent on video gaming. The article also stated that addictive behavior results in ones ability to unable to stop playing video games despite the negative consequences.

4. Yes, video games are a serious problem when they become addictive to a person. Although video games provide entertainment to the players, it can be addictive, and as the professionals said in the article, it could cause many brain issues and result in many negative consequences.

5. I haven't had much time to play video games, but I play Crossy Road on the phone to pass some time. I also played Super Mario Bros growing up as well as Mario Kart.

6. My friends are  usually like me and don't play many video games, instead they watch netflix and youtube. But, I have most definitely met people that are addicted to video games, and I could see the negative consequence it could have on them in the future. Once your addicted to video games you can't put them down, in one of my classes there is a guy who is extremely addicted to video games and sneaks it under the table to fulfill his desire for video games.

7. The article suggested that one should limit their screen time to one to two hours a day, this will help one become less addicted to their video games and prevent them from facing the negative consequences. Another solution, is to allow the parents to counsel the child and making a list of activities to help the child interact with people and spend less time on their video games, this could help by limiting the use of video games and by allowing the child to become more social and stay more busy.


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