Photo Techniques
The subject is clear, as it is one of the twin towers that collapsed on 9/11, the background isn't busy. The background is a solid color so the building can stand with visual prominence.
The subject is placed off center, using the rule of thirds grid.
The lines provide a way for the viewers to follow the subject. I this case the buildings lines help the subject pop from the rest of the picture.
Balance in this picture is evident because the left and rights side are drawn equally to our eyes.
Framing is to frame the subject with an other object to give the subject depth. In this picture the bridge frames the 9/11 scene giving the picture more depth.
This picture has a border merger, because it cuts people off in the border of the picture. This picture is caused by poor alignment in the viewpoint of the photographer.
The patterns on the road and the symmetrical sign appeal the viewers. Keeping the subject symmetric is a good technique to improve composition.Symme Patterns (repetition)

- Viewpoint
This photo is taken from high above, the viewpoint of the photograph changes and conveys a stronger message. The viewpoint in the second picture is also higher, which also affects the message.
- Create Depth
The depth is created by putting the smoke in the background. The human eye thinks of the smoke and the building as a figure with depth which inputs more depth and 3-dimension in the picture.
- Cropping
The main subject is so small, the picture was cropped to avoid the background "noise", this ensures that the viewers get the subjects undivided attention.

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