CE #4.1

1. How much money did Steve Adler raise in his 2014 Austin Mayor's race, according to the story on page A1 "Adler raises $283,164..." 
More than $1 million. 
2. How many jobs could be created if Apple decides to make Austin its second headquarters? Page B5 "Could Austin be chosen for Apple's..."
Estimated new 20,000 workers
3. What are two digital currencies mentioned in the article on page B6 "Bitcoin below $10,000..."
Bitcoin and Ethereum. 
4. What are the final three potential locations for a new MLS soccer stadium in Austin? Page C1 "Exposition Center ruled out as a potential home"
Butler Shores Metropolitan Park, Roy Guerrero Metropolitan Park and McKalla Place, near the intersection of Bur-net Road and Braker Lane.
5. What is "Dinder"? Page D1
Dinner is a sating app that will you give you three chances a day to find a match, once the match is chosen it will suggest a meeting time and restaurant.

Read the story on page D6 "Child actors have always had it rough..."

Summarize the article in a two-three sentences.

As a child actor you are proposed with danger and challenges, this article states some of the experiences of the child actors and there struggle in the acting field as a  child. Many of the dangers of being a child actor comes from social media and the influences it can have on one. But many oppose saying the children chose there life to be publicly shared upon social media, many actors recall that before social media, there was little to no hatred for the actors.

What are some of the problems with being a child actor, according to the article?
There are a lot of problems that come with being a child actor, these include negative influence on social media, and hatred from people on social media. The negative influence and hatred from people on social media can affect a child actor by influencing them and negatively changing their perspective on being in the acting field.

Which of the shows mentioned in the article have you watched?
I have watched some of Stranger Things and have been left awe-struck by the effort of the whole cast and the talent within the child actors. The show accurately portrays the plot and hooks the viewers, the child actors in the show are talented, hard workers, and will have a bright future.

What is your current "binge" favorite?
Currently my favorite show to binge watch is Riverdale. The reason I like to binge watch Riverdale is because it draws the viewers attention with their mysterious lives. The plot of the show is also very appealing and capable to hook a viewers attention. 

What medium do you get your entertainment (i.e. Hulu, Netflix, etc.)?
The medium that I get my entertainment from include Netflix and Youtube. On Netflix I can binge watch shows that aren't available elsewhere. On Youtube I can watch the lives of people and understand where they come from and I can use it to help me if i'm confused with school or in math class.

How do you watch most of your entertainment?
I watch most of my entertainment on my devices at home including my iPad and my Macbook. Usually after school and at night i'm on my iPad binge watching Netflix or watching youtube videos.

Would you want to be a child actor? Why? or Why not?
The experience of being a actor and being in a well known show who be something I would want. But being a child actor comes with responsibility and danger from social media and haters, which can be hard on a child, therefore I would not want to be a child actor for those reasons.

Have you ever tried to communicate to a Hollywood star or used social media to talk about a show? Why and what platform did you use?
No I haven't tried to communicate to a Hollywood star or social media star to talk about a show because I haven't thought that they would reply. But I would be willing to try to have insight not he experiences of these stars and the shows they are interested in to have partaken in.


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