Peer Reflection #1

First Commentary Opinion Essay
1. Who wrote the story?
Naya T.
2. What is their story about?
Their story is about standardized Testing
3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
"I think standardized tests, outside of those required for colleges such as the SAT or ACT, should be completely removed from the curriculum. "
4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
Yes they did dress what the other side might think about their topic, this person stated, "Though I do not agree with standardized testing, I can see why schools may think they think they are a reliable measurement of student achievement. Test scores are used to determine the level of classes students are put in, as well as if they should be assigned to get extra help in any way."
5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
No, they seemed to be dedicated that standardized testing should not be used to determine intelligence in students.
6. Are there any quotes in the story?
No there aren't any quotes in the story, but they did use evidence from other sources.
7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?
They wrote in 1st point of view.

My comment:
Hi, I enjoyed reading your opinion on standardized testing. I like how you stayed firm in your opinion and didn't come off to the reader as wishy washy about your opinion. Well done!! You don't need to work on much, but if evidence is used, the source should be sited. For the most part I agree with your opinion and enjoyed reading your commentary piece.

Second opinion Piece:
1. Who wrote the story?
Naya T.
2. What is their story about?
Their story is about allowance.
3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
"Roughly sixty-one percent of children in the US get an allowance, and though many believe allowances can have a negative impact on a child's perspective and personality, I disagree completely."
4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
Somewhat, they didn't dress it clearly, however Naya did state "Lots of people think giving kids allowances will make them think they should be rewarded with money for everything they do. "
5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
No, she stayed firm to her opinion that allowance should be implemented into kids life.
6. Are there any quotes in the story?
No there aren't any quotes in the story.
7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?
1st point of view.
8. Can you tell if it is an editorial OR just a regular opinions piece? How?
Yes, I could tell this person decided to write a regular opinion piece because she wrote in first person and not third person, which would be an editorial.

My comment:
Your second opinion piece is very well written and again you stayed firm in your beliefs that allowance should be implemented into children's life. Somethings I would add, would be to address more statements from the opposing side, otherwise good job! I could understand where you were coming from, and agree with some of your points, but I believe allowance can spoil children and reduce value in children for doing chores. Good Work!


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