Dispatch Evaluation and Brainstorm Ideas

News: Post-fame whataburger enacts additional security
First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
The article is about how post game student surges at whataburger have led to whataburger needing to higher a police officer to keep things safe. This tradition, of post gam whataburger had been around for years, ow that the security is there, customers feel safer, and so do the employees.

Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
  • Manager of Whataburger; Marcus Casillas
  • Junior; Rylee Holder
  • Levi Anders
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"Fewer people want ro provoke altercation with a presence of a police officer, so not only do the customers feels safe,but the employees fell safer as well."
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes it hooked me to keep reading.
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote.
Commentary: Gun Control laws overdue for change
First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
The story briefly states all the shootings the have been going on. He also includes why he believes gun control should be changed to be banned, this person also believes they are helpless when the violence is happening around them.

Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
  • Donald Trump
  • and direct quotes of the writer
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"It isi hard to sit by and say all of this constant violence is out of our control and there is nothing we, as a country,  can do about it"
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes, it hooked me to keep reading.
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote.

Features: Hurricane Harvey drives student to move to Austin
First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
This story is about a student at Bowie who was affected by Hurricane Harvey and obligated to move to Austin. She describes the tragedy that took place and describes how heart broken she was. She is happy here in Austin and also very thankful to be here;
Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
  • Beardsley
  • Glowka
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"I don't have to go far to go anywhere"

3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes, it hooked me.
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
A quote.
Entertainment: New comic for a laugh

First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
A student at James Bowie High School is motivated by the funny comics, so he began to write some of his own. He sketches them by hand and on his computer, and is very proud of his work.
Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
  • Akhtar
  • Chandler
  • Cottone
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"Abbas is extremely dedicated to his artwork."
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes, it hooked me.
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote.

Athletics: Claire Meyer makes her third dash to state

First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
This story is about a student who runs and is her third year making it to state. She's described as a hard worker both in sports and at school.

Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
  • Meyer
  • Haden
  • Gonzales
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"She's naturally gifted."
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes, it hooked me.
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote.

Reviews:Team 10 musical murder

First: write a two sentence summary of the story.

This story is talking about Team 10 and his main leader Jake Paul, the writer believes his songs are horrible. Although it was catchy the author hated his music and was absolutely negative towards the team 10 group.

Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
  • Some quotes from the song
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"There aren't many times I can say I hated music"
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes, it hooked me.
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
A statement.

First: write a two sentence summary of the story.

This article is about how stress linger on high school students. This story expresses story about high school students who experience stress based on what they do daily.

Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
  • Students who experience stress, Blagan, Gonzales.Kopser

2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"Life is full of stress."
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes, it did.
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?

1. What is your favorite photo in the entire paper? The one by Mia Barbosa talking about design students.
1A. Why is this your favorite? For me this picture told a story and went well with the reading.

2. What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper? The whataburger one.
2A. Why is this your least favorite? It's kind of blurry and doesn't convey a strong message for me.

3. If you were a photographer on staff, which event/photo assignment would you have liked to do for this issue? You will need to look through the entire paper and see the topics covered and decide which one you think would have been fun. The one taking pictures of the guy boxing or the one about the girl who is a refugee of the Hurricane.

4. Overall, how would you rate the photography in this issue? What were the strong points and weak points. Most definitely strong points, they all related to the picture and some helped the readers understand the story better.

One suggestion for the 3rd issue of the dispatch, can be Teslas Automated Semi Truck and I think Kiran Patel would be a good person to do this because she's good at writing hard news stories. Also one opinion piece idea that would be good could be the writers opinion on Bowie getting new laptops in December.


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