CE #2.2

Short Answers:

2. Pilots must get a clean bill of health from an FAA-approved doctor.

3. $1.02 billion bond election. $454 million from Leander, $88.5 million from Bastrop, $253 million from Lake Travis and the same for Eanes.

4. For as many as 50,000 jobs and $5 billion of investment the company says it plans to make in
another city.

5. You may find scary stories passed online, like the slender man story.

Long Response:
1. Mahan, a former CEO of the Santa Clara Valley Blind Center, sat in the drivers seat of a car for the first time in 12 years, but since she was legally blind, the car was driving on its own. In the article Mahan expresses her opinion on the self driving car and others opinion. About 54% of Americans are worried about this technology and 55% of Americans would not ride in such a vehicle. Mahon believes the vehicle is new technology that people don't know much about, but argues that the self driving car can never get angry, drunk, or distracted, also the self driving car can represent freedom to blind people, elders, and people with disabilities. Mahan expresses her hardships of finding a ride daily to fulfill her needs, but now she can be able to do what she dreamt of without the reliability of others.

2. The people that can benefit from a driverless car could be elders, blind people, and people with disabilities. Blind people, as Mahan said, rely on others for transportation, now she said she felt free because she doesn't have to depend on others schedule to regulate her daily routine. Elderly people can benefit from a driverless car because they may lose the ability to drive at a old age, with the driverless car they can still visit their families and continue the life they always lived. People with disabilities falls in both the categories of blind people and elderly people because they struggle and rely on others to have transportation, but with the selfless car they should feel at ease.

3. Yes, the reason I would feel safe is because it helps others with disabilities or lacking the ability to drive. The machinery has to have been proven to be safe for all people near the car, I trust the manufacture and the programming of the car.

4. I think the next big tech innovation for transportation is cars that can fly.The reason I think this is because it will reduce traffic and allow a means for faster transportation.


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