Student of the Month Interview

   Student of the Month Interview- Assignment 2
1. What were some of the challenges this person faced on your journey to be called the "Student of the Month"? The challenges I faced during my journey is hate from students around her who don’t want anyone to succeed, but themselves.

2. What are you most proud of accomplishing throughout your journey? I'm most proud of accomplishing a GPA of 4.98 and maintaining good grades above 95.

3. Why is it rewarding to be called the "Student of the Month"?
It's rewarding because you get more respect form teachers, students, and my family.

4. What is some advice you would like to share about working hard to achieve goals?
Don't get much sleep and maintain good grades over 95.

5. How hard was it to be the student of the month?
It wasn't too hard for me because i'm intelligent and hard working, I was confident in my capabilities.

6. What was the hardest part of your journey this month?
Balancing outside of school activities, like figure skating, and school work.

7. Why should everyone work to attain their goals?
Everyone should work to attain their goals because it can aid them in the long run and allow them to seek self confidence.

8. What has being the student of the month assured you?
My capabilities as a student.
9. What is the feeling gained from it?
 I feel accomplished and of gratitude from what I have done.

10. How has your life changed from being the student of the month?
 I'm being treated with more respect and others look up to me now.

11. What was some advice given to you that aided you to be the student of the month?
My counselor always reminded me to work hard to achieve my goal and to never give up.

12. What motivated you to not give up this month?
I was motivated to never stop because I can be called the student of the month.

13. What have you gained from this experience?
From this experience I have learned to trust myself and broadened my knowledge on my capabilities.

14. Why is being the student of the month so remarkable?
I can pass the people in my life who didn't have faith in me and I can write this on my Resume and College Applications.

15. Why did you want to be announced as the student of the month?
For the recognition of my knowledge was the reason I wanted to be called the student of the month.

16. How will this affect you daily in the future to come?
This will affect me daily in the future to come by changing my mind set on what life still has to offer me.

17. How has this affected you daily?
This will affect me daily my boosting my confidence when i'm faced with daily challenges.

18. What was the biggest challenge you faced on this journey?
The biggest challenge I faced was maintaining figure skating and the tedious work you must complete form it.
19. What have you learned from this challenge?
I have learned to work hard and push my self to the limits because i'm aware of my capability/
20. What habits have you gained from this experience that can aid you to succeed in the future?
Time Management, responsibility, and balancing activities, these habits have helped me to succeed to be the student of the month.
Sources to use:
1. Teachers this student has had because they will express the change he/she has had, the motivation they have had in class, and the result they have had.
2. Students around this person because they can add perspective about how he has changed and why he is in the spot he is know.
3. Friends and Family around this person can add perspective to how hard working this person is both during and after school and the motivation he/she has instilled within themselves to never give up.


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