My Top Story of the Century

  Story of the Century
The First jet aircraft takes flight, August 27, 1939
The first jet aircraft was flown by German test pilot Erich Warsitz on August 27, 1939. The design of the flight was based on the work of engineer Hans von Chain. The He 178 was a small, metal aircraft that ran on diesel fuel. The flight took place in Germany only days before World War II. After the day it first flew, the He 187 had been moved to an air museum but was destroyed in an air raid in 1943.
Why this is interesting?
I believe this event of having the first jet fly is one of the top three most interesting event from the 1900s because it initiated the history of flight. Without this event we may not have had as advanced flight as we do now. Therefore I believe this is one of the most interesting events because it allows insight on the history of flight today.

62288main_aldrin_ladder_full.jpgAmerican astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first human to walk on the moon. 1969.
It was July 1969 when the first man walked on the moon. On July 16th apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Micheal Collins sit atop another at the Kennedy Space Center. At 9:32 the engine fires about 12 minutes later the crew is up in the air. At 10:56 p.m. EDT Armstrong is ready to plant the first human food on the moon. With more than half a billion people watching he climbs down the ladder and says" That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.". They leave behind a American flag.
Why is this interesting?
This event in the 1900's is one of the top 3 events because it allows everyone to see the initiation of space travel. This was also an interesting time for Americans because our nation was the first to send a man to walk on the moon first. Therefore this event is interesting because it begins space travel and allows americans to be proud of the history we have made.

Women win the vote
In 1920 the woman right to vote was liberated to all woman. The demand for woman's suffrage was first introduced in the U.S at the first Woman's Right Convention in Seneca Falls. They formed the Women;s National Loyal League in 1863 to supply the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish slavery and to campaign for full citizenship for blacks and women. Women's right to vote was achieved through the national and local efforts of NAWSA and NWF.
Why is this interesting?
The woman's suffrage right to vote is interesting because of many reasons. One reason is that it resulted the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S Constitution. Another reason it's interesting is because it paved the way for further social reforms for woman. Therefore, Womans right to vote is interesting  because it initiated social reforms for woman and resulted the Nineteenth Amendment.


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