Interviewing Basics- Assignment 1

Assignment 1:
Topic: School Uniforms
1. Principal of the district and schools, they may be able to provide information on why this was done and what this means for the future.

2. Students in Elementary, Middle, and High School because they will display their opinion and instill their input. They will allow others to see wether or not students will go by these rules and if it's fair to all students.

3. Teachers at Elementary, Middle, and High School because this will allow the interview to receive knowledge from different perspective. This will also allow students to see why these regulations have been put upon them.

4. Dress code supervisors can allow factual information as to why this rule should be put upon students and what this means for the future.

1. Why do you believe this regulation of enforcing school uniforms has been put upon students in this district?

2. Why should school uniforms be enforced?

3. Why shouldn't school uniforms be enforced?

4. What was the reason this regulation was enforced?

5. Why do you think the school board will continue these rules?

6. In what ways will it affect students?

7. In what ways will it aid students?

8. How will this affect the schools and/or school board?

9. How did you feel about the school board imposing school uniforms?

10. How will this affect the learning environment around the students?

11. What will the school uniforms accomplish?

12. Why should students obey these rules?

13. Is this a necessity for school boards to retain?

14. What are your opinions and thoughts on the establishment of school uniform?

15. How well will school uniforms work to solving conflict?

16. What do you think the major conflict was that resulted in school uniforms?

17. How will school uniforms resolve issues?

18.What do you think the school boards motives were to establish school uniforms?

19. Why should other school boards establish school uniforms?

20. Why shouldn't other school boards establish school uniforms?


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