C.E #1.4

Short Answer
1. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, Sen. John McCain, and R-Ariz
2. In 1969
3. The device that makes it incredibly easy for thieves to steal your credit or deb card information and rack up hundreds or even thousands worth of bogus charges.
4. They believe it's a move that will help hire and keep the best employees and make shopping a better experience.
5. British army officer Robert Baden-Powell

Long Response
1. We discussed this topic in my class yesterday, we briefly talked about whether or not this is allowed and why the football players did that. Most of my class seemed to be on the same page, we stated that it's a free country and football players have the right to protest and we stated that the football players felt obligated to do this because of the African American community.

2.No, they shouldn't be required to stand for the pledge. I believe that is so because our nation is a free country where everyone has the right to do what they want. Also they shouldn't need to stand because the football players are conveying a message regarding the African-American community they feel should be known by the audience watching.

3. We shouldn't be telling others what to do when they have a right to do what they feel is right because it's a free nation. So, if the football players felt they need to stay in the locker room during the pledge they are more then likely to.

4. President Trump fueled the drama a little more by discussing it on twitter, he shouldn't feel he has the right to believe NFL has to respect his decisions. President Trump shouldn't have had to go on twitter to state his opinion because its the players state of mind and their actions.

5. Yes, race does play a part in this controversial topic because of the happenings in the society around us involving a specific race. Although race plays a part in this feud, some other parts that fuel the situation are President Trump's health care vote, his tax plan, the North Korean nuclear threat and Puerto Rico's post hurricane suffering vied. The players state of mind was to protest the  current news going around along with stand by for the African American community.

6.I don't know much about him, but I know he is a quarterback for the Free Agents. After reading through these new articles and stories I have learned many new things about him that I respect. I have noticed his bravery going out in public doing this and knowing his action will cause some controversy. I have also noticed he is willing to do the right thing and is self determined to fight for the lives lost of the unarmed African Americans.


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