News Ethics in Journalism

News Ethics In Journalism
The Media’s Foul Ball
Anonymous/Unnamed sources:
In 2003, the Chicago Cubs were five outs from advancing to the World Series. A 26-year old Cubs fan attempted to catch a foul ball. The man was escorted by security from the Wrigley Field. The identity of the fan was maintained as unknown, but the next morning, the Chicago Sun-Times identified the man as Steve Bartman. This topic created controversy because people were uneasy as to if the name should have been identified by millions of people. Given the potential danger to the man, should he be identified? No, the man's name shouldn't be identified because it creates a risk for that man, like the ability to be bullied, harassed, assaulted, etc. for his actions that night.

Is it ethically acceptable to do what is presented?Why? It isn't ethically acceptable to perform these actions because it may harm an anonymous individual for his actions, also another reason it isn't ethically acceptable to do what is presented is because it frames an individual for an infamous mistake. Therefore I believe that this article is not ethically acceptable because it allows readers to gain a bad reputation on an anonymous individual and allow the individual to be in risk.

Publishing Drunk Drivers’ Photos
Invasion of Privacy:
The Anderson News of December 31, 1997 contained a image of a drunk driver without his contentment. Many readers of this newspaper were disappointed as to what the journalist (White) did to frame drunk drivers. This case raises important questions about the role of a newspaper in a small community as well as creates controversy about whether or not the pictures should've been published for millions to see. Is this an appropriate policy for newspapers? No, I believe this is not a good policy for newspapers to leak pictures of drunk drivers without their permission and without their knowing. It is unacceptable because they are being framed by readers as an infamous drunk driver and as a prisoner.

Is it ethically acceptable to do what is presented?Why? It isn't ethically acceptable to publish photos of drunk drivers without their knowing because its an invasion of privacy and may be offending to them. Newspapers should avoid framing people as drunk drivers without their content because it allows others to see the crime they have committed that should be kept private. Thus, I don't believe it's ethically acceptable to publish photos of drunk drivers without their permission because it may be an invasion of privacy and be offending to the people who's pictures are posted for millions of people to see.

Offensive Images
Offending or distasteful content:
These images of the Caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad were republished in 2006 and called for attention when the Muslim leaders called for acknowledgment to the images. These cartoons had an anonymous illustrator which resulted in protesting for the Muslim community. After the rampage began it was difficult to avoid these cartoons that targeted a specific community, since the publishing of these cartoons, controversy stirred up about whether or not the cartoons be published. Should the cartoons be published? I believe after reading this short article on offensive images that the cartoons shouldn't be published to avoid deaths, protest, and hatred towards a ethnicity and culture.

Is it ethically acceptable to do what is presented?Why? No, its not ethically acceptable to perform these actions because they target a culture with content that may be insulting and offending to that ethnicity. It is not okay to publish cartoons for other peoples entertainment that harm a certain group of people. Therefore, I don't believe it's acceptable to publish cartoons targeting a specific community that is meant to be entertaining because its an offense and is a distasteful way for others to seek bliss.


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