Feature Writing Preview 1. What is the difference between a hard news lead (lede) and the one you read above? The lede was different because in the story we read the first sentence was only two words, but the second paragraph contained information about what the story will be about, not necessarily who, what, when, where, and how, like a hard news lede. One of the quotes later in the story wasn't in the same format i'm used to seeing it in. 2. What paragraph(s) did you learn the following information? a. Who 2nd Paragraph b. What 2nd Paragraph c. Where 2nd Paragraph d. When 2nd Paragraph e. Why 2nd Paragraph f. How 3rd/4th Paragraph 3. Are there quotes in this story? Yes, there are some quotes in the story. 4. Are those quotes arranged in the "quote-transiton" style we used in news writing? No, the format of the quotes and their transition is different from a hard news story. 5. Wh...